At Dropbox: A Focus on Results

More than just a Subject Matter Expert

Thanks to SoDo Consulting’s focus on relationships and results, they have built long-term relationships with clients that stand over time and across organizations.  A perfect example of this is Amy’s relationship with Emma Dawson, who has led the Talent Development groups at LinkedIn, DropBox, Coinstar and Affirm.

Affirm logo
Dropbox logo
LinkedIn Logo

Amy’s ability to be a “culture chameleon”, as Emma described it, means that Emma can turn to SoDo Consulting to scale programs in a variety of situations: in a startup or mature team,  a culture that values deep technical expertise or a culture that values social connection. No matter the organization, Amy is assumed to be an internal resource, and is discernibly trusted by all team members. As effective leadership development requires the facilitator be skilled in the tool they are using as well conduct the program in a trust-building, approachable manner, Emma confirmed that Amy’s ability to connect with participants yields amazing outcomes.

“Amy is brilliant - a true culture chameleon - who knows what to listen for, what language to key in on, what the leaders believe in. For the last seven years, I have trusted her 100% to bring the right experience at the right time for the right results.”

Quantifiable results


As LinkedIn was partnering with SoDo Consulting to build out their comprehensive six-month leadership program, Emma conducted pre and post-program 360 assessments to monitor the highly impactful program.  The organization benefited from significantly higher retention and engagement from the managers who went through the program. The results quickly strengthened internal support for the program, and ensured its sustainability.

Customized programs every time

The key to SoDo Consulting’s approach is their passion for adapting programs for each client.  Emma appreciates how, instead of insisting on pre-designed products, Amy brings her curiosity, experience and insightfulness to each situation.  From coaching programs to interview skills development for middle managers, to team building in quickly growing organizations, Amy has adapted her offerings to what was needed at that particular point in time.  This adaptability has been the cornerstone to their successful collaboration over the last seven years.